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  • 14/02/2016

    I knew purchasing this that it would not perform like a traditional razor blade. I only got this because razor blades are becoming too expensive to use all the time. You do not get a razor blade close shave with this and it takes multiple passes,but that is what I pretty much expected going into it. If you are expecting a close shave you will be disappointed. I use shaving cream when I use mine and it actually ended up doing a better job than a dry shave with it. I still like it and I still use it all the time as it gives me a decent shave for when I just want to get the stubble off my face.

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  • 21/01/2017

    I have been using this now for a few weeks and get as good or perhaps better shave than from a Phillips product which cost around five times as much.

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    recommendation for you
    • US$125.88